Sunday, October 17, 2010

La Playa at San Juan Del Sur

San Juan Del Sur. This is the location of the most recent Survivor series and also home to one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Nicaragua.  I have been working on getting my residency of Nicaragua, and that has turned out to be quite the process.  The paper work that has to be done and the money that must be spent makes me want to crawl into a little ball and just forget about the whole thing.  Well one day, a couple of weeks ago I was really discouraged.  The people and the immigration and companies I had been going to looking for a job were just let down after let down (I guess that's the real world, huh?).  Anyways, Douglas suggested that we go to San Juan del Sur, and I, of course, couldn't say no at the opportunity at the sun, sand and surf.  Plus, as I said before, I love adventures and I knew this was going to be an unforgetable trip.

Well after packing ourselves a lunch box filled with snacks, Douglas went home early so we could both go to bed.  I had to be outside and ready at 5 am to catch the bus.  I know, I know.  Most of you out there are thinking that that is an impossible task for this young gal who couldn't even get to her 8:30 classes on time.  But I am here to say that Nicaragua has in some miraculous way changed my waking up habbits.

ANYwho, we got on a bus that went to Rivas (which was about 2 hours), then we caught another bus that took us to la playa :)  Which you see below.  The view was absolutely beautiful.  My only complaint is that the sand here in Nica world isn't very soft and white, but the waters sure were blue, which made up for the sand.  Here you can see the boats that were parked, or anchored, just a couple hundred feet inland.  

 Here you can see another view.  There are some surrounding mountains, and some surfers.  Apparently surfing is a popular activity at this beach.  When we were walking from the bus stop to the beach we passed at least 3 or 4 places where I could have rented my own board for the day.  This trip I held back, but next trip i will have a local teach me the trades of surfing.

 So who can go to the beach without taking fun "beach pics?"  I told Douglas to bring an extra white shirt and to find us a local to be our photographer.  Well bless the guy who took the photos, but photography wasn't his God given talent, but I thought that this one turned out ok.

 For lunch we went to this restaurant right on the shore.  You could still hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, and the sea breeze flowing through your hair.  We were sure excited to not be eating rice and beans for once (well I was at least).  We ordered grilled fish, salad and french fries all for only $7 ... the Nicas say it's expensive but I say "BRING IT ON!"

Enjoying our time together.  We were trying to pass the time by waiting on the food.  I think a mixture of the long trip and the fun in the sun made our tummies extra hungry.

 He was pretty excited too :)

.. and hansome, if I do say so myself.

SO there it is, our excursion to the beach at San Juan del Sur.  It wasn't a long trip by any means, but it was just was the doctor ordered.  And I was thankful to get to spend it with a special individual.

(Just thought I would let viewers know that I will blog very soon about my new job .. my homework for Monday is to take pictures so that I can post them.  So stay tuned ..)

Hasta luego, Dios te Bendiga.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Journey to Embark on

Blogging. It has recently occured to me that I think I would thoroughly enjoy the blogging experience. The opportunity to write down my thoughts, record my adventures, and let everyone else really get the first hand experience of entering the mind of Brittany Vick. I know it's probably been on everybody's bucket list, so with much pride and joy I would like to introduce to everyone my new blog: Vickeragua.

Vickeragua sounds so canny and peculiar, but so perfect for this stage of my life. I have always been known to be the girl who doesn't really live the "normal" life. Well, I take that back, I don't think anyone can live a normal life. But what I mean to convey is that I am a girl who desires adventure, challenges, and just a spice to this wonderful life that we have been given. My whole life has been filled with all of the above. Times of adventure, plenty of challenges, and just the right amount of spice to make me who I am today.

So to get back to the subject at hand, currently life has led me to live in Nicaragua, and I couldn't be more pleased. Granted, the form of life here in this 3rd world country of Central America is different and takes some getting used to, but the sacrifices are worth it when I get to fellowship with the Nicaraguans daily. I should also mention that in the midst of my many trips to Nica land, I have also entangled myself in a love story. His name is Douglas and he is wonderful. He is a native Nicaraguan, a man who loves Jesus with all that he is, and he can even cook too :0) (haha because we all know that cooking was not a gift God blessed me with).

ANYWhoo, life in Nicaragua. I wanted to use this blog as my opportunity to let my friends and family, and even stragglers that come along come and journey along with me. I do love Nicaragua and have a desire to reach out to this nation while I am here. It's sometimes draining both physically and spiritually, but with the strength of my God who is bigger and greater than all, anything is possible.

I will leave you with this thought. Yesterday was Sunday, my favorite day of the week because I just love going to Sunday Service. A lot of times I have a hard time really understanding the sermon, but the words of the songs that we sing always seem to touch my spirit. One of the first songs we sung was a song I've never sung before but it was simple: "Aleluyia." I quickly caught on to words and began to sing along. The words simply said: "Aleluyia, Aleluyia, Aleluyia a nuestro Dios," and that means Alelulyia to our God. I began to look around the church and it was a packed house. Ushers frantically carrying about positioning more and more chairs so that more and more people could come and worhsip. And when I saw the lips of men and women, children and adults, doing nothing but passionately singing those words over and over I was brought to tears. Our God is so big, and marvelous, and wonderful. What I saw last night was just a speck of how we will worship our Fahter face to face. But I am continually blessed to worship with my fellow Nicas.

Until next time, God Bless you.